A Steel City Legacy At its beginning in 1984, JFCS Career Development Center was created as a response to the collapse of the steel industry. Started as a joint project with the Jewish Federation, the Career Development Center aimed to help hundreds of people in the Jewish community who were…Read More
Category: Stories of Hope
Good Job Happy Family Helps Refugees Receive Holistic Help
Every year, refugee families arrive in Pittsburgh with hopes for a better, safer life. But a better life doesn’t come quickly or easily. They often face unexpected challenges with finding good paying jobs, navigating US systems in a language they don’t speak, making sure their children’s needs are met, and…Read More
Program for Holocaust Survivors Gives Space for Their Stories
JFCS has a long history of helping Holocaust survivors in our region, from resettling them after the war to helping them age well in their homes and in our community. Through a grant from the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany (or Claims Conference), we’ve been able to help…Read More
Awaken Home Project with Blaine Siegel
The Awaken Home Project, led by artist Blaine Siegel, is funded through the Just Arts program of the Heinz Endowments. Started in January 2020, the project seeks to match newly arrived refugees with local artists who will then create a piece of artwork for their home to help them create…Read More