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Help hungry people: host a food drive!

If you are looking for an office or other group summer activity, JFCS Squirrel Hill Food Pantry could use your help. Food drives supplement the food we purchase. Large, small, birthday party, office activity, themed or not, make it fun, and help the hungry. Organize a food drive with people…Read More

Write a review of JFCS

We know the community loves JFCS and clients appreciate the support they receive from us. We strive every day to be a five-star agency. Online reviews help agencies like ours get found by those seeking help in online searches, and let people who don’t know us that we are trustworthy…Read More

2019 Mermelstein Award

Each year the children of Dr. Howard A Mermelstein, a former JFCS board member, present an award to a current member of the JFCS board who has shown exceptional leadership qualities. This year’s recipient was Carol Robinson, a JFCS board member since 2013. Jan Shaw, Bob Mermelstein and Margie Dubner…Read More