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How Does IWP Help Immigrants Prepare for Work in America?

iwp prepares immigrants for american workforce

The Immigrant Workforce Program (IWP) targets foreign born, professional, adult job seekers. The majority of our Fall 2020 IWP cohort consisted of individuals seeking professional roles in the healthcare sector, many of whom have had experience working in the healthcare field in their native countries. Our 19 participants represented 14 different countries. 

Screening Participants

In order to ensure the participants’ dedication to the program, JFCS conducted a series of screening questions before the implementation of IWP. The screening process granted JFCS staff, as well as participating organizations, a glimpse at understanding an individual’s personal commitment, previous employment history, and future career goals. This determines who the best candidates are for the program.

Preparing for an American Workforce

Our Fall 2020 cohort was eager, enthusiastic, and excited to learn about the American job search. The presentations not only consisted of potential career opportunities, but also areas on resume and cover letter building, workforce etiquette, interviewing skills, and safe online job searching. The participants engaged with the presenters, often asking questions for clarification and certainty. The guest speakers displayed a level of American professionalism, helpful to the success of the participants when navigating a healthy and successful job search. 

The use of guest speakers and presenters helped prepare the participants with networking opportunities, as well. It provided the participants with an opportunity to speak with recruiters about potential job positions, and it gave them a first-hand look inside Pittsburgh organizations.

A Lasting Impact

Many of our participants corresponded with presenters via email after the lesson in order to keep in contact and demonstrate their dedication to securing a position. Every lesson offered new perspectives and insights, further aiding to the developing skills of the cohort. 

Overall, participating organizations strengthened individual understanding of the American job search, and helped further develop the skills necessary to secure a position they are passionate about.