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Write a review of JFCS

We know the community loves JFCS and clients appreciate the support they receive from us. We strive every day to be a five-star agency. Online reviews help agencies like ours get found by those seeking help in online searches, and let people who don’t know us that we are trustworthy…Read More

JFCS Volunteer of the Year 2019

The Aryeh Sherman Volunteer of the Year Award was created the year Aryeh Sherman (JFCS former President & CEO) retired in 2017. Aryeh always said that volunteers were the backbone of any organization that thought of itself as a community resource. This year’s four outstanding volunteers, nominated by staff in…Read More

AgeWell Rides Driver of the Year

Dan Stein, a beloved friend and longtime AgeWell Rides volunteer (and longtime volunteer at the Food Pantry as well), was killed on October 27th at the Tree of Life. In his honor and memory, the Dan Stein Agewell Rides Driver of the Year Award was established, that we might always…Read More