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Personal Brand: The Power of Yours | JFCS

Personal Branding JFCSPgh

The importance of branding in the emerging economy – the power of your personal brand.

As a leader in providing innovative solutions, the Career Development Center (CDC) of JFCS Pittsburgh can help you in defining your personal brand for the emerging economy. Whether you realize it or not, your personal brand proceeds you.

What is a personal brand?

It’s not how you see yourself- it’s how others in your world see you – your reputation. Your reputation is a combination of your style, your appearance, your vocal tone, the words you choose, your personal attributes, skills, strengths, weaknesses, values, how you spend your time, how you organize or fail to organize your personal space.

The CDC understands the importance of branding to our communities’ job seekers as they struggle to make an impact, get noticed by the right people, keeps pace with current trends, and identify the path to the best fit job or career. The CDC shares the latest job search-related information through workshops and individual appointments with a team of talented, dedicated professionals, who understand the struggles job seekers face. According to the facilitator of the “Career Branding; Your Resume workshop,” “writing a resume without a strong personal brand profile at the top is like having a car without a driver.”

Your branding statement sets tone and direction for your resume.

Most importantly, a well-written statement sets you apart from the competition. Assuming all job candidates have the minimum stated requirements, what is it that makes you better – that makes you unique? Here is something you may not have considered, in today’s high tech digital world, it may not be long before our competition becomes artificial intelligence. Add AI to the mix and your personal brand becomes even more important. What is it that separates humans from AI? The answer is human emotion, actually being human, being authentic, having a story that only you can tell – one that stirs human emotion and creates a bond between you and your audience. Let us help you communicate your uniqueness and your true goals.

Visit the CDC to try out some of our workshops at https://www.jfcspgh.org/events/. Meet our talented, caring staff, who can help you with all of your job seeker needs, including Interviewing, Networking, the Job Search, technical skills and much more.