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A New Take on Those Favorite Old New Year’s Resolution

Now that 2018 is here, you may have been thinking about making some New Year’s resolutions. If you are planning on making any lifestyle and/or behavior changes, you may want to think about starting small, and choose goals that you honestly believe you can achieve. Think SMART!
Target one area; don’t try to tackle weight loss and budgeting at the same time! Choose one area and then narrow that down. If you want to lose weight, for example, try limiting sugar consumption to start and then add other changes.
Make your goal measurable. Be specific: “I will limit sugary drinks to one instead of three each day.”
Achievable: How will you achieve this goal? Think about the steps you can take to achieve success. If cutting out sugar all at once is too difficult, try cutting out one sugary drink a day, or skipping dessert every other day. After a week or so, take the next step.
Realistic: You know yourself: be realistic! Some 41% of Americans make New Year’s resolutions, but only 9% self-report that they stuck with them and achieved their goal. That’s why focusing on one goal is easier. Think SMART about every aspect including the barriers you might encounter and how you can overcome them.
Timely: Make a timeline and stick to it. And if you haven’t started yet, don’t wait too long. You just give yourself an excuse to put it off or not do it at all.