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Maximizing LinkedIn: Making Your Profile Stand Out

Professional Businessman in Linked in profile concept

As you start a job search, it is important to maximize LinkedIn and make your profile stand out. In today’s competitive job market, having a standout LinkedIn profile is crucial for making a lasting impression on potential employers. Your LinkedIn profile is often the first glimpse recruiters have of you, so optimizing it effectively can significantly improve your traction in your job search. This post will guide you through essential steps to ensure your LinkedIn profile stands out in a crowd and attracts the attention of recruiters.

Maximizing LinkedIn – Step 1: Start with Keywords

Keywords make your profile more discoverable. When recruiters or employers use the LinkedIn search function to find candidates with specific skills or experiences, having relevant keywords in your profile increases the likelihood of your profile appearing in their search results. To get started, take a look at a few job descriptions for jobs in your field of interest and highlight keywords or phrases that describe the unique skill sets or experiences the position requires. Choose the top 3-5 that describe your qualifications and experiences or examples. Include those 3-5 keywords in both your Headline and your About section of your profile. 

Maximizing LinkedIn – Step 2: Make Your LinkedIn Headline Work for You

First impressions are everything. Your headline is one of the first things people see when they come across your profile. It appears prominently below your name and photo in search results, connection suggestions, and when someone visits your profile. A well-crafted headline makes an immediate impression on viewers. Check out 18 Impactful LinkedIn Headline Examples from Real People from Jobscan for some inspiration on how to make this important line pack a lot of punch.  

Maximizing LinkedIn – Step 3: Use Visuals that Pop

People are naturally drawn to pictures. On LinkedIn you have two opportunities to take advantage of this reality. In addition to a professional photo of yourself, choose a cover image that is consistent with your experience or personal brand. (Quick tip: if you get stuck, choose a photo of the skyline of the city your job hunting in and you can update later to a more personal image.)

Read more about Personal Branding: Job Seekers: You Need a Personal Branding Strategy

Maximizing LinkedIn – Step 4: Write an Impactful LinkedIn About Section 

The about section is your elevator pitch. You have less than 30 seconds to capture the attention of a potential employer. Pick the number one qualification you want potential employers to know about you. Use the second sentence to highlight your second and third most important qualifications. The third sentence share more about your passion and interest in your professional sector. Close with an invitation to connect and your contact information. 

Analogy: Imagine you are ordering pizza. When you call, you say “Hi, I would like to order pizza with pineapple and olives. I would like a large pie for supper. This is my address for delivery and a number I can be reached at.”

About Section: Teacher with a background in early education and curriculum development. From a young age, I’ve had a passion for childhood literacy which has guided my professional journey. Interested in connecting with other educators, feel free to reach out directly: xxx@xxx.com”

Maximizing LinkedIn – Step 5: Join the Conversation

Learn more and get seen. Follow your target employers and read their posts. Join relevant industry groups and stay on top of trends. Share interesting articles about your industry. In addition to learning more about your industry, potential employers get to know you by reading your comments, posts and groups you follow. 

Maximizing LinkedIn – Step 6: Back to the LinkedIn Basics

Need help getting started? Reach out to a JFCS Career Counselor and get signed up for a LinkedIn 101 workshop!

1) Establishing your online brand to let recruiters and colleagues know who you are, what you can do, and where you would like to work in the future.

2) Networking with others virtually, to make vital connections with other professionals who can help you with your journey to your next career.

3) Finding new job opportunities through LinkedIn’s job search feature, because now is the time to apply, and keep an eye on the changing professional landscape.


About JFCS Career Services

JFCS Career Services supports job seekers and employers to create a diverse regional workforce. Have Questions? We’re Here to Help. Contact JFCS Career Services at (412) 422-5627 or visit careerservices@jfcspgh.org