A JFCS Career Development Center Event: Planning to go to the WorkLaunch Job Fair on May 6, or any other career fairs? Let the pros at JFCS Career Development Center show you how to make the most of it. Self-marketing skills can be learned and perfected to maximize your potential…Read More
A JFCS Career Development Center Event in collaboration with Pleasant Hills Public Library. Virtual and In-person Learn to navigate the landscape of today's ever changing workforce. Regardless if you are returning to work, changing careers, or pursuing a passion there are many ways you can position yourself to be just…Read More
A JFCS Career Development Center Event in collaboration with Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh: Join us at the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh's Downtown branch for the WorkLaunch Job Fair. You'll have an opportunity to connect with employment recruiters from the area who will provide information on their open positions, how to…Read More
A JFCS Career Development Center Event in collaboration with Andrew Carnegie Free Library & Music Hall: Virtual and In-person This workshop is designed to teach the most effective and safe ways to perform job search activities online. Topics will include internet safety, how to navigate online applications, internet-ready resumes, useful…Read More
A JFCS Career Development Center Event in collaboration with Northland Public Library: Virtual and In-person COVID 19 has forever changed the way employers recruit and interview job candidates. In-person interviews have largely been replaced by phone and video recruitment processes. These virtual interactions require a different set of skills and…Read More
WorkLaunch is an annual series of work readiness events held each spring by JFCS Career Development Center in partnership with Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. List of Events Click the links to learn more about WorkLaunch events. Every Monday, March 9-30 - Kickstart Your Motivation This workshop series is an educational…Read More
JFCS Career Development Center’s WorkLaunch 2019 was the most successful since the event began in 2015! Nearly 40% more job seekers attended! This year’s format was changed to feature panels of experts on such topics as How to Work with New Technologies, Jobs in the Gig Economy/Side Hustles, Working in…Read More
Jennifer Beahm, the editor-in-chief at the Pittsburgh Business Times spoke at a luncheon after our WorkLaunch 2019 event last week. Check out the photos of the event below and thank you to all of the job seekers that attended! To learn more about WorkLaunch, click here!Read More
On April 11, Dayna Brown from Pittsburgh Hires Veterans, Dan Wonders from NHCO, Mahogany Jackson HR Professional, and Chris Rippee of JFCS CDC hosted a WorkLaunch event at the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. The panel covered topics such as making a successful career transition, moving up the career ladder, and…Read More
Last night our WorkLaunch event's subject was: The Gig Economy, Beyond 9 to 5. Panelists discussed tips and ideas about how people can string different jobs together to make a living, and still include work you love. They also talked about nuts and bolts - health insurance, making enough money,…Read More